The biggest appliance company in China is Haier. They make everything from washing machines to TV's to phones. I can't go a day without seeing a Haier product, specifically their logo- the Haier brothers. They wear Speedos, eat ice-cream, and give a big "thumbs up" to the 1.4 Billion Chinese citizens.

I think the Haier brothers look a lot like my friends Vince and Sean. Gnar-shredding, steezy brothers in their own right.

Do you see the resemblance?
oh i totally see it. as those little Haier brothers bring such joy to world, it seems the other two do too.
This is AWESOME! I laughed outloud. I need you to find me a Chinese duo of me and one of my friends. I'll send you a picture. :)
this sucks...i'm a cartoon
wow...that's hilarious!!! i love your creative connections, allijo, they never cease to amaze me :)
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