It seems that without a website these days, one can't be taken very seriously. In an age of the iPhone, I find myself immediately Googling companies (or people) to see if they're legit or not. No more waiting 'til I get home to check the phone book... or ask around to get my friend's opinions. We've got Yelp now! And boy, do I love and appreciate Yelp...
Just last week I was helping with a wedding in La Jolla. A groomsmen lost a button on his suit just minutes before the wedding was to begin. As I started on the jacket with needle and thread in hand he struck up a conversation. It came out that he was the VP of sales for a large (and impressive) company. You better believe that during the ceremony I Googled him... and he wasn't lying...
Which has me thinking about some areas of my life that need some web presence. The two that come to mind immediately are my swim lessons business and the project:Connect Thanksgiving dinner. This week I met a man that is a partial owner of a photo booth company in San Diego. As we got talking about his business it dawned on me that photo booth pictures would be perfect for the kids of Monarch School to take home. These kids are either living on the streets or in shelters- they don't have many pictures to document their lives or have a family portrait. The photo booth would be such an incredible addition to the event. And it was then that I wanted to give him a website to learn about the dinner. To see pictures of the kids. To hear stories from years before. To be inspired to donate a photo booth for the night!
All that to say that I'm going to start researching web designers in San Diego that might be able to help with a project:Connect website. Or I could just learn code and do it myself? Help! I need ideas and feedback!
You are absolutely not going to learn code and do it yourself. I'm not saying that as a scolding mother, but from personal experience. You'll kill yourself before the process is complete! Email Cameron and Chad for an amazing local web team.
chad [at] webfirecracker [dot] com
There is a free website where you can build your own called Weebly.com. It is VERY easy to use and has a fairly large database of designs that you can customize. Cool fonts, easy to insert pics, links, blogs, RSS feed, etc.
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